Introducing NOW/WOW Virtual Renovation Tours
Most buyers browsing on-line lack the imagination to understand the true potential of the property. To overcome this, through virtual renovation/staging we create a preview of what the property would look like after the renovation and complete staging. Instead of you spending money on physical renovations and complete staging, we do it virtually . . . at NO cost to you, saving you time and getting your home to market quickly with an amazing on-line presence!
A virtual renovation tour allows us to market the property based on what it can become instead of what it is right now. Our ultra-realistic Virtual Tours and images allow attracting a category of buyers who otherwise might not have considered the property due to its existing condition.
We design our tours to have potential buyers fall in love with the property. However, we understand that shiny graphics get potential buyers only that far.
Most buyers will lack the knowledge to assess the costs of the needed renovations. Therefore, to help seal the deal, we provide three quotes from top contractors in the area to demonstrate the price of updating the property.



Sell what it can be, not as it is

Sell the joy, not the unfinished basement

Sell the vision, not the old vanity and fixtures