Winter Wonders On Posted on November 10, 2022December 23, 2022 by Team Logue to Events, Past Events Stroll through Hendrie Park as it transforms into a Winter Wonderland this magical holiday season from November 23rd to January 8th! Location: Royal Botanical Gardens Pre-Registration Required – SHARE THIS ARTICLEFacebookTwitterLinkedInPin It Tagsupcoming event PreviousPrevious post:Oakville Santa Claus Parade NextNext post:Twinkle After Dark Categories Cooking With Team Logue (4) Events (104) Homeowner Tips (39) Market Update (8) Past Events (117) Places (2) Real Estate (7) Real Estate Blog (20) Real Estate Tips (11) Starbucks with Sarah (15) Uncategorized (83) Video Blog (35) Newsletter Signup for the Team Logue newsletter Email* NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
Stroll through Hendrie Park as it transforms into a Winter Wonderland this magical holiday season from November 23rd to January 8th! Location: Royal Botanical Gardens Pre-Registration Required – SHARE THIS ARTICLEFacebookTwitterLinkedInPin It